Frequently asked questions


Yes, you can shop on Team Jesus Mall with confidence. We have partnered with payment gateway giants, PayPal and Stripe, to provide secure credit card processing.

Additionally, our site uses the latest SSL encryption methods ensuring that your credit card information is transmitted in a safe and secure manner.

Yes, you may place an order on Team Jesus Mall, however, we currently SHIP to the U.S. only. The Mall will open worldwide at a later date. We appreciate your patience.

Yes. You will receive an email confirmation with all order information. We’ll also include instructions on how to contact us with any order issues or questions along the way. Our goal is to ensure your complete satisfaction with your order.

We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and PayPal payments. Sorry, money orders, personal checks, company checks, or COD are NOT accepted.

You are charged when you place your order.

Please review your order details before making your purchase as ALL SALES ARE FINAL.

Because we strive to ship your orders as soon as possible, we can only change or refund orders that are on backorder, damaged, or undelivered. In these cases, we will work with you to achieve the best solution for your order.


We currently ship to the U.S. only, with future plans to ship worldwide.

Team Jesus Mall offers original and curated Christian apparel and merchandise from around the world. Depending on the item, shipping can take anywhere between 5-20 days, approximately. We’ve seen apparel items average between 10-16 days from order to receipt.

During checkout, available shipping options will be displayed, including approximate shipping times and costs.

For curated items from, Amazon Prime customers may be eligible for next-day or 2-day shipping.

Christmas is the busiest time of year for shopping and carriers, so we can’t guarantee that all orders will be delivered by December 23rd. However, you should still place your orders by these dates for your best chance to get them on time!

Standard Dec 13
Express Dec 14
Overnight Dec 16

Still Need help?

No worries! If we haven’t answered your question, don’t hesitate to drop us a line at customerservice[at] for further assistance.